What Is The Witching Hour ?
The Witching Hour begins
at Midnight every night. Officially it takes place between 12:00 AM to 12:59 AM. However it’s effects continue for hours into This might be 4:00 AM in the heart of the summer or all the way into the 7:00 AM hour in the winter depending on cloud cover. . Halloween is the most powerful of these Witching Hours due to the forces of evil annually marshaling forth in an effort to take over the planet. The nightly Witching Hour is a time when paranormal activity is at it’s height. This includes magic, witchcraft in particular, which is how the hour got it’s name.
In ancient times dark witches were consistently found to be mischief making at Midnight. The reason supernatural activity is so prominent, and the powers of magic at it’s height are due to the forces of evil claiming the hour as it’s own along with the surrounding nocturnal hours as well. The forces of goodness thrive in the light of the holy sun whose light of origin comes from the heavenly plane through the mediary quantum particles known as photons. This is why vampires perish within it’s righteous rays. The pinnacle of this power is at Noon when the sun is at it’s zenith. So naturally goodness would be at it’s weakest point when the sun if furthest away from this point which is at Midnight when the Moon is at it’s zenith. The Moon has always had a place in the world of paranormal evil. It’s silvery surface warps the suns rays allowing for evil to reside in celestial light rather than pitch blackness. This also plays a role in the dark magic of the witching hour.
What time practicing witchcraft ?
Another reason for the evil of the witching hour, and the increased supernatural activity it brings, is the simple fact that most people are asleep. So the
collective consciousness of human goodness, including the pure innocence of children in particular, interacting subconsciously with the pure thought foundation of our reality is at it’s weakest which allows various non-corporeal entities to more easily slip into our dimension of reality from higher dimensions. This includes demons, poltergeists, ghosts, and various other sinister spirits. Many humans are in fact sub-consciously in the dream plane between life and death as their consciousness lies dormant within their nightly slumber. So in essence there’s a temporary exchange between good human souls, and the souls of evil from higher dimensions keeping the cosmos in balance. So between the lack of holy sun, the mystical pull of the moon, the lack of good human consciousness, the intermittent lack of human sub-conscious activity as they temporarily reside in the dream plane, the temporary exchange of good souls for evil souls, and the practicing of the various dark magics by witches, wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers, we have the paranormal power of the witching hour, and all the hellish havoc that it wreaks upon a seemingly silent night. While you lie asleep within the cloak of darkness, there are unspeakable abominations taking place. Abominations being fought against on the mystical front battle lines by brave supernatural warriors who have dedicated their lives to being paranormal professionals despite the dark dangers of the wretched Witching Hour.
When the devil appears
The Devil’s Hour begins at 3:00 AM, and extends until 3:59 AM. However it’s effects will be felt until the first embers of sunrise light break free from the horizon. This might be 4:00 AM in the heart of the summer or all the way into the 7:00 AM hour in the winter depending on cloud cover. The Devil’s Hour is of course named for the Arch-Demon leader of Hell, and the power he has on Earth during this hour. It’s a time when Demons are at their strongest when interacting with our reality. An hour many demon, and Devil worshipers thrive in as they conduct their various black ceremonies to build their power base of evil. It’s at 3:00 AM because it’s the antithesis to 3:00 PM which is informally known as the Jesus Hour. Jesus being the son of the God of our Omniverse. Ancient scrolls seem to indicate that Jesus died at 3:00 PM so a holy aura exists during the 3:00 PM to 3:59 time zone. It’s said that the 3:00 AM unholy time zone will be the birth time of the Anti-Christ, the Devil’s Earthly son. It’s not known whether or not this Arch-Demon spawn has been born yet.
The Devi’s Hour is known to be the hour where most deaths occur as evil, and bad luck are rampant during these times. The hour also has an additional power boost from the Witching Hour which begins at Midnight. Not only does the Devil; himself fuel the hour but the same things that fuel the Witching Hour are at work as well. This includes the lack of the holy rays of the sun which are however on the verge of rising near the end of the hour in the summer. So the Devil’s Hour would theoretically be at it’s height of power on the Winter Solstice. Unfortunately for him, and his demonic denizens the power of Christmas negates that. So it turns out that the Devil’s hour on Halloween is the most powerful due to the forces of evil marshaling at their height on that night. The next powerful Devil’s Hours are the nights of November, and the nights of January as well. There’s also the lack of good human consciousness as most sleep during this time, and their soul partially resides in the astral dream plane. That coupled with the increase in evil consciousness adds more fuel to the Devil’s Hell fire on Earth.
!don’t wake up at 3:00 am
Legend has it that if you wake up at exactly 3:00 AM for no reason in a state of terror then the Devil has paid you a visit literally or in your dreams. A mere state of heightened agitation might indicate demonic or poltergeist visitation. Also attack from all manner of supernatural beings increase during the Devil’s Hour. It certainly known that a Werewolves rage is at it’s height during the 100% full Moon in the Devil’s Hour. This is where the most Werewolf related attacks, and deaths take place. It’s best for all to stay in bed under covers blessed in Holy Water during the Devil’s Hour to insure your safety until dawn arrives.
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