Animal Blood - Can maintain vampire strength but must
be drank in larger quantities. Also they won't be as strong as they
would if they ingested human blood.
Superhuman Blood (Includes vampire
slayers) - A vampire can live off superhuman blood, and gain more power than
living off common human blood.
Child Human Blood - The
innocent magic, and pure of heart nature makes the blood of young children
poisonous to vampires. The younger the child the more poisonous the
blood. Babies blood would in fact kill most vampires.
Diseased Human Blood - The more
serious the disease the less palatable the blood is. However it will
do in a pinch. The worst tasting human blood usually comes from blood
diseases, and cancer sufferers. Sort of like a human being forced to
drink toilet water during a water crisis.
Dead Human Blood - Within a few
hours of death human blood becomes poisonous to vampires. Unlike
zombie blood they might not be able to tell they're drinking dead human
blood if it's not that old.
Demi-Demon Blood - Vampire becomes
an unwilling slave of the demi-demon. Large increase in power
Anti-Christ Blood (Son of the most
powerful ArchDemon) - Vampire becomes loyal minion of the Anti-Christ.
Amazing increase in power witnessed. Eventual transformation into a
Gnome Blood - Allows vampires to exist in direct
sunlight for many hours.
Extraterrestrial Blood (Greys Of Gliese 581) - Turns
vampires deeply violent and increases strength three fold. Other alien
species would have varying effects to numerous to list here.
Werewolf Blood - Increased aggression and oddly
enough aversion to moonlight.
Lycan Blood - Turns a vampire into
a Werewolf-Vampire hybrid under the spell of a Lycan master.
Chupacabra Blood - Turns
vampires into violent out of control animals with no intelligent reasoning.
Manticore Blood -Vampire turns
into a blood thirsty mindless animal on every New Moon. No cure.
Werecat Blood - Temporarily
manifests properties of a Werecat.
Pegasus Blood - Allows a vampire to fly at will for several weeks.
Unicorn-Pegasus Hybrid Blood - Allows a vampire to be permanently invincible, and immune to all magic with the power of flight into outer space, and even into higher dimensions up to Heaven itself no matter if they're good or evil.
Genie Blood - Turns a vampire into a Genie, and locks them in the bottle or lamp of the Genie. The Genie is then free. A Genie's blood is deeply alluring to a vampire who will most likely not know what kind of blood it is or that it's dealing with a Genie. It's a trick to lure the vampire into drinking the blood. Even if a vampire figures out it's a Genie the Genie will tell them they can grant all the wishes in the world for themselves once they drink the Genie blood.
Demon Blood - Turns good vampires evil and increases strength twelve fold. Vampire becomes unwilling slave of the demon. Without an antidote the vampire will eventually transform into a full demon.
Leprechaun Blood - Gives a vampire good luck in all that they do. In some cases borderline evil vampires are turned good.
Clurichaun Blood - Gives a vampire bad luck in all that they do. Turns good vampires evil for a time.
Mermaid Blood - Temporarily turns a vampire into a mermaid.
Hereditary Witches Blood - Gives the vampires their genetically inherited magical powers for a short period of time. Vampire bodies are strong enough to wield extremely powerful magics. Same goes for Wizards, and Sorcerers as well. One of the only ways to equalize things in a battle against parishioners of magic.
Angel Blood (When they take human form) - Rumored to reverse vampirism and restore them to human form. Although they must perform a lifetime of penance to cleanse their soul of vampirical sins. If they are evil it acts as a poison that will kill them without antidote.
Archangel Blood (When they take human form) - Evil vampires killed instantly, and sent to hell. Good vampires instantly restored to human status with soul purified of all past sins.
God Blood (Earthly Gods Such as Pagan, Greek & Roman) - Ultimate power boost for a vampire. The vampire would permanently become an Earthly God themselves whether they were good or evil vampires. This only occurs if the blood is drank directly from a live God in biological form. If the blood is on the outside of the body, or collected in a container, and then drank it will give the vampire temporary physical abilities of a God minus the magical powers.
Demigod Blood (Earthly God Offspring) - Vampire temporarily becomes a demi-god which includes far more power than their vampire form.
Demigod Blood (Omniversal God Offspring such as Jesus Christ) - Evil vampires blinked out of existence for all eternity including their existence in the past. Good vampires become immortal humans with increase in powers beyond that of a vampire. Any evils of the past are erased from the timeline.
Demi-Angel Blood - Temporary poison for evil vampires while good vampires see a temporary return to human status.
Reverse Vampire Blood - Might possibly turn a vampire into a reverse vampire temporarily or permanently.
Zombie Blood - Considered poison. Greatly weakens a vampire and makes him vulnerable to attack. The taste is so horrific that it's rather difficult to fool a vampire into drinking it. Injection with a pure silver syringe would be the way to go.
Mummy Blood - Causes vampire to shrivel up into a dehydrated form until an antidote is procured. In addition the vampire is cursed with bad luck until the mummy body is burned in holy fire.
Ghoul Blood - Similair to zombie blood except it paralyzes a vampire for several hours.
Sasquatch Blood (Bigfoot) - Will knock a vampire out cold instantly and then it will die within hours.
Yeti Blood (Abominable Snowman) - Can reverse the deadly effects of Bigfoot blood. If no Sasquatch blood has been ingested then causes deadly rage filled episodes in vampires along with a craving for below freezing temperatures. Abominable Snowman blood also acts as a sun screen for vampires, and allows them to stay in the sun for a few hours at a time before re-application is required.
Santa Claus Blood (Santa is a Demi-Archangel) - There is only one recorded incident of a vampire biting Santa. That vampire is now dead as a doornail.
Anti-Claus Blood (Claude Claus is a Demi-ArchDemon) - Puts a vampire under his spell, and enslaves them. Increase in power seen.
Father Time Blood - Vampire can temporarily travel through time at will.
Cupid Blood - Vampire will fall in an obsessed fatal attraction style love with the first person of the opposite sex they see.
Ghost Blood - If a ghost is able to take rare human form, and a vampire drinks of it's blood they will turn into an astral projection ghost until the blood leaves their system.
Elf Blood - Minor boost in power overall. Degree varies among different types of Elves although Santa's Enchanted Elves provide the most power.
Enchanted Reindeer Blood - Allows a vampire to fly for a time at will.
Fairy Blood - Turns vampires docile, and weakens them slightly. Even the most evil, and violent vampires become harmless kittens.
Phoenix Firebird Blood - Vampire can never be killed, and will rise from his ashes in a ball of flames with his body reforming. Also the power of flight and pyrokinesis is acheived.
Vampire blood can aid healing in
humans and even temporarily boost intelligence levels
Vampires only require blood to survive. They can eat food but even a
small portion acts as a mild poison. It weakens them, and too much
food can actually render them unconscious for hours. During this time
the food actually disintegrates into nothingness inside their body by
supernatural means. Scientific analysis indicates that the individual
vampire viruses that become apart of their cells bombard the food
causing it to blast into nothing. In the explosive process
they disappear as well until a new individual virus replicates. We
think this is a good thing because it prevents vampires from eating
people rather than sucking blood from them. Of course nothing is
stopping them from tearing someone to shreds with their fangs, and bare
Vampires have no appetite for anything but blood. They also don’t
have human digestive mechanisms. Most food devoid of blood tastes like
nothing to vampires. However they can ingest liquids such as alcohol
and water without issues. In fact vampires often partake of
alcoholic beverages in between the consumption of blood.
Adding alcohol to food brings out the flavor so they can at least taste
it in their mouth for the experience before spitting it out. In order
to fit into human social situations they will pretend to eat food, and
then discreetly use a napkin to get rid of it. In some cases they
might actually eat a few bites to seal the illusion of their humanity to
gain acceptance into human groups for nefarious or admirable purposes.
the question now is can vampires eat food ?
very good article
ردحذفthx june